Friday 5 June 2015

Robocraft Final

        Robocraft; a game where you can design, build and battle your own robots against other players who do the same. The goal during gameplay is to blow up the enemy base, while defending your own base against your enemies.

        I am currently at tier 4 in this game, out of 10 tiers in total, and I don't want to stop playing this game. Within the 5 days that we have played this as a class, this has become my new favourite game. When I first got the game I honestly didnt know what to expect out of the gameplay, but it's honestly really nice. And how you play it is up to you, there are many different ways to approach this game.

       To play this game, all you need is a somewhat decent computer; the requirements as for computer specs are not high at all, which is quite surprising, because the gameplay is so smooth and quite detailed. Once you're in, just build your robot and get into the fight. it might take a game or two to get the hang of things, but once you've got the idea, you're gold.

       Some things i have learned along the way are things such as keeping your wheels covered, testing out what kind of weaponry you like, and just having some fun with the game. Rather than playing it seriously, just try to have some fun with it. The game is quite enjoyable.

        I can see this game going a long way, and if this game even becomes paid in the future, I'd definitely be willing to invest in it. Below are a few links to the robocraft community, including Website link, Forum Link, and download link in case you want to get the game for yourself.


Here are some more screenshots of gameplay, and my final tier 4 hovercraft that  have managed to acquire in playing this game.

Shooting at the enemy base.

Getting half blown up amidst battle

Blowing up the enemy base.

When in doubt, add more guns.

Shooting stuff.

Flying around.

Give this game a try for yourself; it truly is great, and I will not cease playing this game, even though we are done in IT. Come find me in battle, maybe we can platoon some time. 

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