Monday 1 June 2015

Robocraft: Day 1

Yes, my game will be finished eventually, I'm just going to have a little more fun gaming first. Robocraft; a shooter game in which the player creates their own vehicle / weapon, in order to kill other players and their own created vehicles. Shown above is the first vehicle that I decided to create. 

Show here is the matchup of my first game.
And here is my vehicle mid-game, at a point where I was half destroyed with no more steering. 

I was pretty proud, as my little vehicle had helped me to earn a pretty sweet victory right off the bat.

I then upgraded my vehicle with the earnings from that game, and now I have a more armoured version of the old one, now with thrusters and enemy radars. 
I learned the importance of armour, which I will apply next day, as I have been torn to pieces man ya time by my enemies, and I have found a few strategies in game to help me out. 

Advice to newbies; Try to find the playstyle that suits you. Do you want a heavy hitter? Something with armour? Pr something that can dart around the map at high speeds? Its really all just a matter of preference in my mind; play the game how you see fit. 

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