Friday, 12 June 2015

A Horrible End

Tragedy strikes on this day, for I have lost the room in which I was working. The many hours of constructing the map, the views, the buildings and infastructure are all now reduced to nothing. A strange error occured in the process of testing my game today, and when I reloaded the program to try and fix it, the room resulted with a label of <undefined>. Or in mathematical terms, It was divided by zero. What makes this worse is that I do not have a backup of the game, which means I cannot retrieve the progress that I made.

However, have learned alot in the process of creating this game; I have increased my skills in sprite creation and animations, making better quality sprites and other pictures. Attention to detail was increased, which helped in making the game with a smoother look. I have been able to apply some basic knowledge learned in this semester's math course into my game, which really helped in the process. Without it, I may not have been able to do make some code.

The most important thing that I have learned from all of this? BACKUP YOUR WORK.
That is a mistake I will (hopefully) never make again.

I went from the beginning of the semester with little to no knowledge of coding to a more increased knowledge. While still basic however, I am proud of my accomplishments in that area. I hope to expand my horizons in the future in terms of learning more advanced coding like javascript or C#, or something like that.

The sad truth is that there is not enough time for me to regain what has been lost, as there are only 3 days of class left after today. I'd need to lay out all of the buildings again, the roads, the enemies, set the dimensions of the room, create a new view for the game, etc. And although it may not seem like too much work, it actually took me alot longer to complete these tasks than you might think. I spent half of the class today laying out about 3&1/2 buildings before losing progress.

It's sad, but I think I'm done with GameMaker for the year. I've really enjoyed using this program and learning how to construct a game with it, it has been one of the most fun and interesting projects I have ever done in school, because it's something that I really enjoy doing. In the future, hopefully next year, I'll come back to making a new game, even better than this one.

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