Friday 27 February 2015

GameMaker Day 9

I haven't made too much progress today. Having a headache doesn't help either. Although, I have managed to find a new code that *should* make the turret stick to the rest of the tank consistently.
Hopefully I'll finally be able to make the tank work and make some new progress.

Thursday 26 February 2015

GameMaker Day 8

The tank works! (Mostly...)
It can shoot and move, and the turret follows its position relatively well, just a few problems to work out with that. I you press both up and down together it will stray off, and when you go back and forth the position of the turret changes by a few spots.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

GameMaker Day 7

Attempting to make a working tank was the point of my work today, but it's alot harder than it may seem.  I have scavenged the web in hopes of finding some code to make it work, but I haven't been too successful. I have found (with some help) a code that connects the tank turret and hull. However, the tank's turret is flailing around with no aim control, so I'll need to fix that tomorrow.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

GameMaker Day 6

I found some code that totally changes the movement of my character, so I had a new idea. I have one code for better movement and proper turning, and one that points the character towards where the mouse is. So I decided I am going to make a working tank. I already have a hull drawn out, I just need a turret sprite and to implement the code into some new objects.

Monday 23 February 2015

GameMaker Day 5

Today I created some new wall sprites, with working collision for both the player and bullet, as well as another background to go with it, making a room. An enemy was also created. As of now it takes 2 bullets to kill. It is stationary however and does not fight back. 

Thursday 19 February 2015

GameMaker Day 4

Today, not much progress was made, as it was a half day, but I did create a background texture to test how smooth it would be. The texture does not connect very well, so the background of the game looks tiled for now. It will be replaced in the future once I have worked out more details.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

GameMaker Day 3

Today I have made alot of progress. I created an animated sprite of my character shooting, a bullet sprite, and with the help of tutorials I have managed to make my character shoot. There is a delay in between shots, and there is a smooth transition between sprites, next I plan on making ammo, at least in terms of reloading the magazine. Infinite ammo will be a thing until later when I make ammo pick-ups.

GameMaker Day 2

Progress has been made: a wall texture was made, and placed throughout a room as an experiment. Eventually, it was discovered as to how to cause collision between the player and the walls, and a test level was set up. 

Monday 16 February 2015

GameMaker Day 1

Today was the beginning of GameMaker. So far I have created 2 temporary sprites, being one enemy, and the player (the green circle shown above). I also created a room and was able to make the character move and stop using keyboard inputs and key releases. 

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Top 3 Uses of A Computer

The following is a list of the top three things that I use a computer for, classified by level of enjoyment taken from the activity, starting with option 3, moving towards 1.

3. Scenery
My computer at home is not at optimal running speed by any means. It has a tendency to be slow when performing simple tasks, such as browsing the almighty structure of the internet, let alone opening a single webpage. Even aside from this, it has a few quirks. Some problems with our security provider led our computer to receiving what I shall note as "a few" viruses. There are many problems with the computer itself and just navigating around my files can become a struggle. However, I'm not going to let that prevent me from completely hating my computer. It acts as an eyepiece, in my mind. A creation of pure beauty and perfection. (Note: the computer shown below is not an accurate representation of what I possess.)

No matter the struggle to get to the websites themselves, I still manage to get to the websites that I desire. I am not a big fan of many television shows (with some exceptions). Instead, I prefer to watch videos on YouTube and livestreams on I also like to browse through facebook every now and then, although I usually do so on my tablet rather than a computer. The internet is the place to go if you are having a bad day and need to cheer yourself up by watching cute cat videos; the reason it was created in my mind. 

1. Video Games
Probably the best use of one's time and internet connection; video games. Something that I actively take part in on a near-daily basis. Not necessarily on the PC at the moment, but I may be receiving upgrades to my computer in the near future, allowing me to play games with some actual stability. There is an endless list of games that I would love to play, but currently cannot. 

My Grade Prediction